Future Business - Will your job exist in 20 years?

Will your job exist in 20 years? 

Below is a draft I started (but never published) in early 2018

This is not one of my normal IT posts and I wouldn't consider myself a Futurist but I've been seeing a few developments over the past few years that have ignited this notion.

In the not-so-distant future, I believe we will start to see a higher frequency in the near obsolete jobs.

I.e. With the proliferation of the electric car into the public arena over time, we will see a shift in jobs which will come close to, if not obsolete.

In this scenario, we'll see a reduction in jobs in the logistics industry as trucks and trains become more automated and efficient.

Ride-sharing Companies like Uber will develop their own electric self-driving cars that will be more cost-effective for the companies and customers, giving way to greater availability and essentially killing off the Taxi industry as we know it today. The need for every household to own more than one car or even one car won't be the norm as an extended family or even timeshare ownership will become more commonplace.

The logistics and transport industries over time will be greatly affected by the changes from fossil fuels to eco-friendly energy sources, improvements in automation, safety standards, machine learning and AI to the extent that employment in these industries will be greatly reduced and most of the roles we see today will be nonexistent.

What I'm talking about is nothing new but the shifts will become more apparent as we move towards an age of Learning and Philosophy.

In the past, we've seen technological advancements have displaced jobs in Agriculture (farm labourers), Industry (artisans, switchboard operators, typists), and retail clerks.

In 2018 the only assistance with writing you'd see was spell/grammar checking and now in 2024, I've used assisted AI to complete the remainder of the post from my incomplete notes:

The Looming Shift: Jobs at Risk and the Evolving Workforce

The future of work is undergoing a major transformation driven by automation and artificial intelligence (AI). As the technology matures, many jobs are becoming susceptible to replacement by machines. As the question "The Future Of The Workforce: Will Your Job Become Obsolete?" suggests, this raises concerns about widespread job displacement and the need for workers to adapt.

According to a report by the McKinsey Global Institute (reference link), repetitive and routine tasks are particularly vulnerable. This includes jobs in manufacturing, data entry, customer service for basic inquiries, and even aspects of finance and accounting. Transportation, particularly roles involving driving, may also face significant disruption with the rise of self-driving vehicles.

However, the picture isn't entirely bleak. While some jobs may become obsolete, the report emphasizes job evolution rather than complete disappearance. Workers will need to develop new skillsets to keep pace with changing demands. Additionally, new jobs and industries are expected to emerge, creating opportunities for those who can adapt. The key takeaway is that the future of work necessitates continuous learning and skill development to stay relevant in the evolving landscape.


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