Cyber Security Awareness 007: Token-Based

Token-based Authentication between Devices

What Is a Token?

Think of a token like a digital pass. When you go to a concert, you might get a ticket that lets you in and out of the venue. Similarly, in the online world, a token is a small, unique piece of data that acts like a ticket to access certain websites or services. Once you're logged in, this token confirms that you're allowed to be there without asking for your password every time.

How Does Token-Based Authentication Work?

Here’s how the process typically happens:
  1. User Login: You start by entering your username and password, just like when you log in to your favourite app or website
  2. Token Generation: Once your login details are verified as correct, the website or app generates a special token for you. This token is a bit like a temporary ID card
  3. Token Storage: Your device (whether it’s your phone, tablet, or computer) stores this token safely. Think of it as your phone holding onto a pass that lets you move around the website or app without needing to log in again
  4. Token Verification: Every time you do something on the website such as checking your messages; uploading a photo, or making a purchase, your device sends the token to the website. The website then checks the token to make sure it's still valid. If everything checks out, it allows you to proceed with your action
This process happens behind the scenes in milliseconds, making your experience seamless. You only need to log in once, and then your token does the heavy lifting.

Why Is Token-Based Authentication Useful?

Token-based authentication has become a popular way for websites and apps to manage user sessions. Here’s why it’s beneficial:
  • Statelessness: The server doesn't have to keep track of every user’s session. Instead, it relies on the token the user provides. This means the website can handle more users without getting bogged down by remembering individual details for each one
  • Security: Tokens usually come with an expiration time. This reduces the chances of someone stealing your token and using it forever. Even if a hacker manages to get your token, it will stop working after a while
  • Convenience: Token-based authentication is great for things like SSO (Single Sign-On). With SSO, you log in once, and the token lets you access multiple services without needing to enter your username and password again and again. This makes your online experience smoother and quicker

Different Types of Tokens

There are various types of tokens used in the tech world. Here are a couple of the most common ones:
  • JASON Web Tokens (JWT): This is a standard way to create a token. It’s secure, compact, and widely used across different websites and apps. JWTs are often used to verify identity between systems
  • OAuth Access Tokens: Used by services like Google, Facebook, and Twitter. OAuth tokens allow these platforms to safely grant third-party applications access to your data without exposing your password

Best Practices for Token Security

While tokens offer many advantages, they need to be handled securely to avoid potential threats. Here are some key practices that developers and users should follow:

Secure Token Storage: It’s essential to store tokens securely on your device. This might involve encrypting them or keeping them in a safe area of your phone or computer to make it harder for hackers to steal them.
  • Token Expiration: Tokens should have an expiration date. Imagine if your concert ticket could be reused forever—it wouldn’t be very secure. The same principle applies here. Setting a token to expire after a set time reduces the risk of it being used maliciously
  • Token Revocation: Sometimes, tokens need to be cancelled or revoked—perhaps because they’ve been compromised or are no longer needed. Having a way to cancel these tokens adds another layer of security
  • Use HTTPS: Always make sure that token transactions happen over a secure connection. HTTPS ensures that your token isn’t intercepted by attackers while it’s being transmitted between your device and the server

Real-Life Examples of Token-Based Authentication


Google uses OAuth tokens to allow third-party apps (like a calendar app or a fitness tracker) to access your data securely. For instance, you might allow a new app to view your contacts or calendar events through your Google account, but Google never shares your password with that app.


Facebook also uses tokens to log in. For example, you can log into various websites and apps using your Facebook credentials. Once logged in, the token keeps you connected without asking you for your password again. This simplifies your experience and keeps things secure.

The Future of Token-Based Authentication

As the digital world grows, token-based authentication is evolving to meet new challenges. Emerging technologies like blockchain and decentralised identity systems could make online authentication even more secure and user-friendly.


This technology could allow for a new kind of token that’s harder to forge or steal, thanks to its decentralised nature.

Decentralised Identity

Instead of relying on big companies (like Google or Facebook) to handle your identity, decentralised identity systems allow users to control their own digital identity and share only the necessary information with websites.

These advancements will likely improve the way we handle online security in the future, offering even more protection against threats while maintaining the convenience users expect.

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